'Lost on Mars' is published today!

Morning, everyone! My new novel, 'Lost on Mars' comes out this week in paperback and kindle (no audiobook yet, though!) It needs all your support - please go out and order and buy it and read it and pass it on and talk about it and please do write reviews anywhere you can! All these things are so important to getting a book out there.
I really hope you enjoy this Martian epic. It's a story I've been wanting to write for years and Firefly have been brilliant in guiding it through all the stages to publication this week (and it's not easy for a small, indie press!)
This morning I've been painting moments from the story, mostly for thank you gifts - but also to share here, to get you into the mood for reading my new book. Thanks for all your support, everyone! I might not be the biggest selling writer, but I've got what must be the most loyal and wonderful readers!
